UK is indeed one of the best countries to settle for a job after graduation. Each country has its own advantages in terms of job prospects, employers, salaries, so on and so forth. In that way, UK really flourishes in job prospects especially for international students. Here are some reasons why studying in UK is the best option after graduation.

1. Importance Given To International Students:
UK by nature gives priority to international students considering their multicultural experience in the country. International students also get a priority if they are multilingual. Statistics also show international students achieve higher average salaries than how much they would earn if they graduated from home. Loss of international students to UK is considered as a Brain Drain and worries a lot of universities.

2. Networking:
The networking in UK is huge. Students have the best opportunities compared to any other country in terms of networking. Though internships and friends, international students come across big names in the business that really help secure a job in the UK. Getting employed or searching for a job is quite challenging. Networking is indeed the friend in need in these times.

3. VISA Options:
International students graduating from UK have numerous visa options that allow them to work in UK. Depending on the validity, students have options of extending their period. Students also have the option of working whilst studying. These options secure the future and career of the student.

4. Direct Impact:
Coming to the nature of the jobs in UK, graduates really get the opportunity to make a difference through their jobs. A lot of businesses and technological companies allow fresh graduates to get early hands-on experience, exposure and elevate them on a professional level thus letting them create a direct impact on global issues.

5. Job Market:
International students find specific jobs that really suit their interest and graduated degree which are not easily available back at home. UK is considered as the second largest market after USA, drawing around 125,000 international students.

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